Do Not Think Less of Yourself, but Think of Yourself Less (Philippians 2)
God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble. If that's true, then we better understand what humility is and how to get it. Pastor David Prince shows exactly how from Philippians 2.
Live to Serve and Not to be Served (Philippians 1)
Do you want to be happy? How do you become happy? Pastor David Prince shows us from Philippians 1 that our answers to those questions are often only lead us to discontentment and unhappiness.
I Will Establish My Covenant with You (Genesis 6:9-22)
What does the story of Noah have to do with us? Pastor David Prince shows us how Noah, a kind of new Adam, is point us forward to the Last Adam, Jesus Christ.
Advice for the Dejected (Psalm 13)
Psalm 13 offers us a blueprint for how to face the difficulties of life and still praise God in the midst of those difficulties.
Great Sin! Greater Mercy (Genesis 6:1-8)
What do we make of Genesis 6:1-8? The Nephilim? The sons of God? What is going on here? Pastor David Prince helps us see the Gospel in this difficult to understand portion of Scripture.
The Prayer of Jesus for You: Sanctified and Sent (John 17:14-19)
Jesus prayed for you. Pastor David Prince shows us for what purpose Jesus prayed—that we would be sanctified and sent out on mission.
The Beauty of God and the Great Commission (Psalm 90)
There is a direct connection between those who have been swept away by the beauty of the Gospel and our responsibility to tell the nations about it. Pastor David Prince vividly paints a beautiful picture to capture and imagination and propel us toward the spread of the Gospel among the nations.
Knowing God as Shepherd (John 10:1-15)
Do you know God as your Shepherd? Pastor David Prince helps us see our need of a shepherd, our duty to obey his word and love and care we receive when we do so.