Trust Jesus and Not Your Gut (Philippians 3)
There will be many times in our lives that obedience to God means disobeying our guts. Pastor David Prince walks us through Philippians 3 and shows us that we must cultivate a habit of disobeying our gut if we want to grow into maturity.
Do Not Think Less of Yourself, but Think of Yourself Less (Philippians 2)
God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble. If that's true, then we better understand what humility is and how to get it. Pastor David Prince shows exactly how from Philippians 2.
Live to Serve and Not to be Served (Philippians 1)
Do you want to be happy? How do you become happy? Pastor David Prince shows us from Philippians 1 that our answers to those questions are often only lead us to discontentment and unhappiness.
I Will Establish My Covenant with You (Genesis 6:9-22)
What does the story of Noah have to do with us? Pastor David Prince shows us how Noah, a kind of new Adam, is point us forward to the Last Adam, Jesus Christ.
Advice for the Dejected (Psalm 13)
Psalm 13 offers us a blueprint for how to face the difficulties of life and still praise God in the midst of those difficulties.