Believe! (John 20:24-31)
In this last sermon from our "I AM, Believe," series we see that the Gospel boxes us in. We either must believe it or we reject it. There is no negotiation.
In this last sermon from our "I AM, Believe," series we see that the Gospel boxes us in. We either must believe it or we reject it. There is no negotiation.
In this sermon from our "I AM Believe" Pastor David Prince helps us see how our mission is tied to our abiding in Christ.
In this sermon from our "I AM, Believe" series Pastor David helps us see how Jesus words, "Do not let your hearts be trouble," transforms the focus of our lives.
In this sermon we see how the cosmic Good Shepherd is a Shepherd that lays down his life for his sheep.
In this sermon we see that Jesus is the door, the true door, that opens to those who are his and follow his voice.
In this week's passage, we learn how living for the temporal will never satisfy, but there is satisfaction in the bread of life.
In the second sermon in our "I AM, Believe" series Pastor David helps us see that there is no middle ground when it comes to who Jesus says he is.
In the first sermon in our "I AM, Believe" series Pastor David walks us through who Jesus as as the eternal Word, the peak and end of God self-revelation.