Living Out Hope (1 Thessalonians 5:12-28)
Hope is a community project. Listen as Pastor David Prince shows us how hope can only grow in the context of a community.
Hope is a community project. Listen as Pastor David Prince shows us how hope can only grow in the context of a community.
Many in our day would have us separate Jesus from the rest of the Bible. Listen as Pastor David Prince confronts this way of thinking and exhorts us to look at the Bible the way Jesus looked at the Bible.
It seems as if every generation is infatuated with speculating about the return of Christ. Listen as Pastor David Prince exhorts us to focus on what Jesus has already told us to do, rather than speculating on things he has not told us.
How do we grow our hope? Grow in Christlikeness. Listen as Pastor David Prince shows us how hope grows in the soil of a life committed to the truth of Scripture.
How do we stand with a solid sense of hope in an culture that seems so hopeless? Listen as Pastor David Prince charts the course towards hope from 1 Thessalonians 2:17–3:13.
What causes hopelessness? Is it tragedy or crisis? Perhaps it's more how one handles tragedy and crisis. Listen as Pastor David Prince shows us the foundation of hope and how no matter what we face, we can cling to hope as a witness to the world without it.
Intelligence and gifting are vastly overrated. Hard work and determination is vastly underrated. Listen as Pastor David encourages us work at becoming people of Gospel grit.
Why are you seeking Jesus? Listen as Pastor David Prince exhorts us to make sure we are not seeking Jesus for the gifts he gives, but rather for a relationship with Jesus.
What does the Great Commission have to do with religious liberty? Pastor David Prince opens the word from 1 Peter to help us understand why Christians should fight for religious liberty.
Ruth is a little story that wouldn't ever be reported on the front page of the newspaper. Yet, we find it in the pages of Bible. Listen as Pastor David Prince shows us why Ruth is such a powerful story and how we could apply our lives to the story Ruth is telling.