Faith Is … (Hebrews 11:1-3)
Faith is not an end in and of itself. Faith has an object. What is important truly is the object of your faith. The object of your faith dictates how you live in the here and now and will spend eternity.
Faith is not an end in and of itself. Faith has an object. What is important truly is the object of your faith. The object of your faith dictates how you live in the here and now and will spend eternity.
Families and churches that refuse to teach the gospel to the next generation are described as stubborn and rebellious. This Psalm makes clear that the call of each believer is the faithfully and consistently proclaim the truths of the gospel with those that will follow us.
When our expectations are not met we have two choices. We can complain and give up, or we can trust in the sovereignty of the true and living God. Our decision depends on how we respond to the question, "Is God's word enough?"
As God's children, we are kept, now and forever, by God's amazing grace. Therefore, we are freed to content in the purpose of praise God in all of our lives.
In a fallen world there are challenges to the church from the inside and outside. Jude calls us to confidently contend against those that reject the gospel, not surprised by the challenges, rather being broken over those that reject their only hope.
As followers of Jesus Christ, believers must understand their faith should cost them something and be willing to pay that price. The faith once and for all delivered to the saints is valuable enough to contend for, and that is Jude's call in his letter. We are to contend for the glorious Gospel.
True disciples of King Jesus see with the compassionate eyes of their King. In compassion, they continue both the work and the word that Jesus spoke and worked.
Thomas, often known as "doubting Thomas" is actually a great example of belief. His confession of "My Lord and my God," is a cry we all must make if we hope to be a part of God's kingdom.
The life of faith is not a constant positive trajectory, there are highs, lows, and plateaus. In this sermon from Nehemiah 13, we learn how we can remain faithfully obedience through it all.
As God's chosen people we are set free to celebrate defiantly the goodness that God has lavished upon us. In order to so, we must be a people who are faithful in thankfulness.