
Who Are You? (Romans 5:1-10)

Download MP3 Why Knowing Who You are is Important

Peace WITH God

Suffering that Leads to Hope

The Father Won’t Abandon You

As Accepted as Jesus

By |2018-07-15T16:06:26-04:00July 15th, 2018|Comments Off on Who Are You? (Romans 5:1-10)

Baptism: A Sign of Christ’s Kingdom (Romans 6:1-11)

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Sermon by Pastor David Prince

1. Baptism is a sign of Christ’s kingdom not a mascot

2. Baptism is a congregational act of worship not an individual testimony

3. Baptism is a declaration of the lordship of Christ not just a symbol Baptism – More […]

By |2018-04-15T14:52:53-04:00April 15th, 2018|Comments Off on Baptism: A Sign of Christ’s Kingdom (Romans 6:1-11)

Love, Not Separation (Romans 8:31-39)

If you are a Christian and find yourself unthankful, you are the problem. Listen as Pastor David Prince roots our understanding of thankfulness in the work of Christ and the love of Christ.

By |2017-11-26T14:14:09-05:00November 26th, 2017|Comments Off on Love, Not Separation (Romans 8:31-39)

Purpose, Not Despair (Romans 8:26-30)

Do we really believe that the Spirit prays on our behalf? Do we live like it? Listen as Todd Martin encourages us to live in the reality of our familial relationship to God.

By |2017-11-19T13:29:05-05:00November 19th, 2017|Comments Off on Purpose, Not Despair (Romans 8:26-30)

Glory, Not Corruption (Romans 8:18-25)

If God is good, why is there suffering and pain in this world? Why would he allow a church full of his worshippers to be gunned down? Listen as Pastor David Prince helps us remember that while we may groan in this life, we do not groan without hope.

By |2017-11-12T15:33:29-05:00November 12th, 2017|Comments Off on Glory, Not Corruption (Romans 8:18-25)

Adoption, Not Bondage (Romans 8:12-17)

"Abba, Father." These words spoken by Jesus are intimate. And for those in Christ, we have the same right and connection to the Father as Jesus. But do we live this way? Listen as Pastor David Prince invites us to live out the reality of our adoption as sons of God and put away the spirit of slavery.

By |2017-11-05T15:21:09-05:00November 5th, 2017|Comments Off on Adoption, Not Bondage (Romans 8:12-17)