How Will You Fear? (Mark 4:35-41)
How can we trust God? Listen as Pastor Casey McCall shows us what's necessary for us to trust God in the midst of the storms we face in our life.
How can we trust God? Listen as Pastor Casey McCall shows us what's necessary for us to trust God in the midst of the storms we face in our life.
Some of the greatest heroes our world has ever known are unknown to us. From the world's perspective, these great heroes are failures. But not from God's perspective. Listen as Pastor David Prince shows us from the story of John the Baptist's death how we can courageous fail and still have great kingdom impact.
Sermon by Pastor David Prince
1. Expecting the Expected (v. 18-23)
2. Expecting the Unexpected (v. 24-27)
Sermon Excerpt 1: At War with Comfort
Sermon Excerpt 2: Sadduceian Theologians
Sermon Excerpt 3: Expecting the Expected
Sermon Excerpt 4: Knowing = Understanding
Sermon […]