Giving Thanks to the All-Sufficient Judge (Psalm 50)
The fool says in his heart there is no God, but as we see from Psalm 50 there is something that may be even more foolish.
The fool says in his heart there is no God, but as we see from Psalm 50 there is something that may be even more foolish.
"Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good! His steadfast love endures forever!" This is the cry of the psalmist, and, as Pastor Todd shows from the psalm, this can be our cry if we are Christ, because He meets us in our distress.
This Psalm seems like a contradiction. At the beginning there are praises to God, at the end there is lament concerning enemies, but as Pastor Todd shows, what seems like a contradiction is perfectly in harmony. We can praise God no matter the circumstance because of who God is and what he has done.
God calls us unbroken praise. Only one man fulfills that command, and we, as his followers, join our voices with his praise. We recognize that all other praise is false and based in false hope.
Thanksgiving is more than something we should add on to our lives. It should be the tenor of lives, and if it is will we live differently. We will be more content and useful for God's kingdom.
Satan wants you to believer lives about what you deserve and how God doesn't truly care for you. Psalm 91 reveals that God is our refuge and strength in ways far greater than we can imagine.
When we realize who God is we ought to be moved to praise God. Reflecting upon God's character produces worship that never gets old, tired, or mundane.
There is a fear that one can have that will end all other fears. To have a fear that ends all other fears means that the supreme fear must be a proper fear in the ultimate being who is righteous, holy, and good. Only in rightly fearing the righteous, holy, good, supreme God will all other fears fade away.
Who is the King of Glory? That is the driving question of Psalm 24. Beyond offering the answer the psalm reveals how what can come into the presence of that glorious King.
Families and churches that refuse to teach the gospel to the next generation are described as stubborn and rebellious. This Psalm makes clear that the call of each believer is the faithfully and consistently proclaim the truths of the gospel with those that will follow us.