God’s Garden and His Gardeners (Genesis 1-2; various texts)
As image bearers, we image God rightly when we, by His grace, cultivate the garden in which he was placed us.
As image bearers, we image God rightly when we, by His grace, cultivate the garden in which he was placed us.
In today's sermon Pastor David exposits Genesis 15 showing how stars point the overwhelming grace of God.
In our first sermon from our "Things" series, Pastor David shows how God uses even dust for his glory.
In our first sermon in this "A Defiant Christmas" series, we look at how God offered mercy and a promise to Adam and Eve for their sin and ours.
God created man and women in his image, meaning maleness and femaleness are both needed for rightly imaging God and anything else simply distorts God's image.
The heart of the biblical story is God's commitment to be with his people, and that is the blessing of the Christian life, the nearness and with-ness of God.
What is marriage for? When view through the correct theological lens it is for so much more than we tend to think. When viewed through the lens of self, it is for something much less. We must understand it through the proper lens to begin to answer what it is for.
There is much to learn from the story of Lot and Abram parting ways. Listen as Pastor Casey challenges to follow the example of Abram and not the example of Lot.
Have you ever experience difficulty and wondered why God is testing you with difficulty? Listen as Pastor Casey McCall answers that question from Genesis 12.