A MANifesto (1 Corinthians 16:13-14)
In this "MANifesto" Pastor David helps us see that manhood is both about leadership and obedience to Christ.
In this "MANifesto" Pastor David helps us see that manhood is both about leadership and obedience to Christ.
In this sermon, Aaron Hogue helps us see that the Christ is the greatest treasure to pursue, sacrifice for, and find joy in.
God's purposes will be fulfilled, the questions is whether we will receive the blessings of obedience and his delighting in us as he fulfills his purposes.
In this sermon, we see how the Lord's Supper is a lens through which we more clearly see the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.
In the last sermon from our "Jesus' Prayer for Us As We Go" series we see how our mission in wrapped up in Jesus love for us and the Father's love for Jesus.
In today's sermon we see how Jesus prays for us in the mission, not for comfort but confidence.
In today's message we see how, like in motherhood, a disciple's greatest sorrow becomes our greatest joy.
In today's sermon from our "Jesus' Prayer for Us As We Go" series we see the amazing truth that the Son of God prays for us to be kept.
In the first sermon in our "Jesus' Prays for Us As We Go" series, we see the good news that our God is triune.
In this last sermon from our "I AM, Believe," series we see that the Gospel boxes us in. We either must believe it or we reject it. There is no negotiation.