Vacation Bible School

Lexington Campus 483 West Reynolds Road, Lexington, KY, United States

This VBS is from July 14-18, starting each night at 6 pm and finishing at- 8:30. Last year we had approximately 400 children who participated. In this VBS, kids will learn about God as Creator, Provider, Protector, and Savior, all while enjoying songs, games, skits, crafts, and more! Your kids [...]


Vacation Bible School

Lexington Campus 483 West Reynolds Road, Lexington, KY, United States

This VBS is from July 14-18, starting each night at 6 pm and finishing at- 8:30. Last year we had approximately 400 children who participated. In this VBS, kids will learn about God as Creator, Provider, Protector, and Savior, all while enjoying songs, games, skits, crafts, and more! Your kids [...]


AWANA Kick-Off Evening

Lexington Campus 483 West Reynolds Road, Lexington, KY, United States

Join us August 3 at 6:00pm for the AWANA Kick-Off.

AWANA Kick-Off Evening

Lexington Campus 483 West Reynolds Road, Lexington, KY, United States

Join us August 3 at 6:00pm for the AWANA Kick-Off.

AWANA Kick-Off Evening

Lexington Campus 483 West Reynolds Road, Lexington, KY, United States

Join us August 3 at 6:00pm for the AWANA Kick-Off.

True Grit Shootout

Men, join us for the annual True Grit Shootout. We will have a gut-level talk from Pastor David, eat a great lunch and then spend the afternoon shooting some skeet. It's a great time of fellowship that you will not want to miss. If you do not own your own [...]


True Grit Shootout

Men, join us for the annual True Grit Shootout. We will have a gut-level talk from Pastor David, eat a great lunch and then spend the afternoon shooting some skeet. It's a great time of fellowship that you will not want to miss. If you do not own your own [...]


True Grit Shootout

Men, join us for the annual True Grit Shootout. We will have a gut-level talk from Pastor David, eat a great lunch and then spend the afternoon shooting some skeet. It's a great time of fellowship that you will not want to miss. If you do not own your own [...]


Chickfila for Peru

Lexington Campus 483 West Reynolds Road, Lexington, KY, United States

We'll kick off our Fall Equipped Wednesday semester with the Chickfila for Peru meal. Chickfila at Fayette Mall will be donating the meal and all the proceeds from the meal will go to our Ends of the Earth fund which supports our mission efforts around the world. Don't miss this [...]

Chickfila for Peru

Lexington Campus 483 West Reynolds Road, Lexington, KY, United States

We'll kick off our Fall Equipped Wednesday semester with the Chickfila for Peru meal. Chickfila at Fayette Mall will be donating the meal and all the proceeds from the meal will go to our Ends of the Earth fund which supports our mission efforts around the world. Don't miss this [...]