Women’s Ministry Spring Swap Shop

Lexington Campus 483 West Reynolds Road, Lexington, KY, United States

Join us for a time of fellowship and "shopping!" Bring 1-5 of your nicest unwanted items that need a new home. For every item you bring, you will be able to swap for a "new to you" item to take home and love! Any items not swapped will be [...]

Women’s Ministry Spring Swap Shop

Lexington Campus 483 West Reynolds Road, Lexington, KY, United States

Join us for a time of fellowship and "shopping!" Bring 1-5 of your nicest unwanted items that need a new home. For every item you bring, you will be able to swap for a "new to you" item to take home and love! Any items not swapped will be [...]

Unplanned Movie Viewing

Living Out the Gospel Together

Ashland has rented a theater in order to view the movie Unplanned together. Unplanned is the true story of Abby Johnson who worked in the abortion industry until she realized the heinous act she was perpetrating. We are offering tickets at a reduced rate and all proceeds will go to [...]

Unplanned Movie Viewing

Living Out the Gospel Together

Ashland has rented a theater in order to view the movie Unplanned together. Unplanned is the true story of Abby Johnson who worked in the abortion industry until she realized the heinous act she was perpetrating. We are offering tickets at a reduced rate and all proceeds will go to [...]