Jesus the Hero Family Devotional: Week 1 Day 1
WEEK 1: DAY 1 Genesis 1 Key Text “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” Genesis 1:1 [...]
Be Where Your Feet Are: A Testimony by Kaylee Hicks
Kaylee Hicks shares a powerful testimony about how God is using her where her feet are.
When Morality is No Better than Paganism
Idolatry is often subtle. The subtlety comes because we tend to make idols of good things. We can fixate so much on a particular good thing that it becomes an ultimate thing. Anytime we think [...]
Why Foolishness is Better than Self-Esteem
The story of Zacchaeus is often relegated to the children's wing. But as Pastor David reminds us in a new post, it is a story with great Gospel power that instructs us in how to live [...]
Spurgeon on Christians who Rail Against the Times
The current conspiracy theory, sky-is-falling, outrage culture can’t be reconciled with what the Bible says about living in the already of Christ’s Kingdom. Christians ought to be the last people to fall prey to doom [...]
A Simple Guide to Reading and Applying the Bible with Jesus as the Hero
Since the whole story of the Bible is about Jesus, it's important for us to read all of Scripture with this in mind. But sometimes, we have trouble figuring out how to do that. To [...]