Genesis 2

Key Text

“Then the LORD God said, ‘It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him.’” Genesis 2:18

God’s Image Bearers Created to Rule under His Authority

The Bible paints an incredible picture of mankind’s created purpose—complete and utter kingly dominion on earth under the authority of the King. God uniquely created us in his image to serve him as vice-regents, as we are to physically mirror the Kingship of God on earth in our very person and nature. Man and woman are both charged with the creation mandate to multiply and exercise dominion over the entirety of the created order. However, man and woman, while working together towards the same goal, fulfill this command through differing means. In Genesis 2, the text emphasizes the nature of these complementary responsibilities, as man serves as leader—chiefly responsible before God for his family’s obedience to the King—and woman serves as helper—lending her gifts to strengthen the man’s weaknesses in this endeavor. Furthermore, the creation mandate includes man’s responsibility to work (Gen. 2:8-15). Issued prior to the fall, God’s command to work is inherently a good thing, functioning as the essential act by which man subdues the world to the glory of God. God gifts his image bearers with the unique responsibility to rule the earth, caring for it and using it to provide for those under their care. It was, and is, a responsibility of protection and leadership.

David Prince, “The Manliness of Adoption: Testosterone and Pure Religion,” Published 9/9/2010, Prince on Preaching Website, Accessed 4 December 2015, Available from http://www.davidprince.com/2010/09/09/the-manliness-of-adoption-testosterone-and-pure-religion/.

Connection with Newer Testament

Colossians 1

For the Kids

Help children think about what responsibilities you have given them—making their bed, etc. That is the work they are given to do. Explain that when God created us he gave us responsibilities. Share with them Dad and Mom’s responsibilities, and then pray together for each to honor God in his or her role.

Prayer Prompts

  1. Thank God for the opportunity and blessing of work in your daily life as the means of providing for your family and fulfilling the creation mandate.
  2. Consider areas in your life which you have failed to exercise dominion. Pray for repentance, and commit to submit every circumstance to the rule of Christ.