
God Always Wins is a collection of songs born in a community of faith that cherishes the gospel of Jesus Christ and seeks to make much of Him.  Composed over the course of more than a decade, each song was written with the desire to help children grow in faith and respond in song to the perfect truth of the good news of Jesus Christ.  Nearly all of the songs on the album were written for Vacation Bible School (VBS) at Ashland Avenue Baptist Church and creatively connect Biblical truth with the various VBS themes. Whether singing about a “yeti on an iceberg” or “monkeys picking through your hair” each song on this album ultimately points to Jesus as God’s answer to our sin problem and how through Jesus’ victorious death burial and resurrection, God Always Wins!  

God has used these songs in powerful ways in the hearts of children at Ashland, and it is our desire that children everywhere have the opportunity to sing these delightful gospel songs as they too learn to draw near to Jesus by singing of His work on our behalf.

Nate BeVier serves as Pastor of Music and Community at Ashland Ave. Baptist Church in Lexington, KY.  Graduating from Cedarville University and receiving a Master of Arts in Worship from the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary he labors to lead both adults and children in biblically faithful, Christ-exalting worship through music.  

He and his wife, Jenille, have four children, Jeremiah, Judah, Silas and Hannah.  Together they enjoy baseball, gardening and outdoor fun. A county-recognized Master Conservationist and self-proclaimed caretaker of the forest, Nate spends his free time developing habitat and tending an orchard benefitting wildlife and humans alike.

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