Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What is the Freedom Fund Commitment Banquet?
A. The time where we’ll come together over a nice steak & chicken meal to make 2018 Freedom Fund commitments that aim to retire our current Great Commission Center debt in 3-4 years to be able to quickly expand our ministry to impact more people with the gospel of King Jesus

Q. When is the banquet?
A. Sunday, February 11 @ 6 p.m. in the Ashland Lex Family Center

Q. How can I sign up for the Freedom Fund Commitment Banquet?
A. You can sign up by filling out the RSVP card in the bulletin and placing it in the offering plate, you can fill out an RSVP card in your BFG and then return it to the church office, you can RSVP when one of our church members make a Freedom Fund visit to your house, you can RSVP by calling the church office (859-266-4341), or you can RSVP online here.

Q. Will I have to pay for my dinner?
A. No. The dinner is free.

Q. What about Awana, childcare, and dinner for the kids?
A. While the banquet itself is intended for adults, we will have a full nursery and preschool, as well as activities for children of all ages thru 5th grade, in the same rooms they are in on Sunday morning. No Awana clubs will meet. Child check in and pick up will also be the same as Sunday morning. Children and workers will be served a cheese pizza and fruit dinner. For children with allergies, alternative foods should be brought. We have a team from Ashland Church in Madison County who will be leading the children in Bible stories, crafts, and other activities. Veritas students will have various ministry responsibilities, such as serving the meal and assisting with children.

Q. I don’t feel comfortable driving at night. Will transportation be available?
A. Yes. Our deacons will arrange for anyone with transportation needs to be picked up for the banquet and returned home. To request transportation, please contact Roger Holland or the church office (859-266-4341).

Q. What is our financial goal?
A. To retire our current debt in 3-4 years. To meet our 4-year Challenge goal, our church needs to pledge to give $375,000 per year (average of $25/week per household). To meet our 3-year Abundance goal, our church needs to pledge to give $485,000 per year (average of $30/week per household).

Q. What if I can’t give $25 per week?
A. Don’t worry. Give sacrificially what you can in order to be a faithful, dependent disciple of Jesus. The goal is equal sacrifice, not equal amount. For some, faithfulness to Jesus might look like $2 per week. For others, it might look like $1,000+ per week.

Q. Will we be taking up an offering during the banquet?
A. No. We will simply be making giving pledges for 2018 for us to honor as we sacrificially give throughout the rest of the calendar year.

Q. Do I really need to attend the banquet?
A. Why would you want to miss a strategic evening with your church family? Yes! It’s going to require every person in our congregation to prayerfully commit to this vision. Your presence in this Living Y’all endeavor for the sake of the gospel is vital!

Q. I already have commitments that will keep me from coming, but I want to be part of what God is doing through the Freedom Fund. How can I make my financial commitment?
A. You can fill out a forthcoming 2018 Freedom Fund commitment card at any time and turn it in during the Sunday Offering or drop it by the church office. If you are a church member, you should be getting a commitment card with a personal visit from a member of our church before the banquet. You can fill that card out and give it to the team member or turn it into the church office. Otherwise, you can simply call the church office (859-266-4341) and let Michelle know your pledge.